Thursday, May 14, 2015

Stop 6: Amarillo, TX

Not much to report today. We're another 175 miles East and have entered the Central time zone. We got away early this morning before the winds got going. No rain during the trip but, when we pulled off the highway, it looked like they'd just had a major downpour. We went from dry highway to deep puddles all of a sudden.

It's sunny and warm (kind of steamy, actually) and more rain is expected tomorrow night (after we're gone). We've reached the point where were going to be in tornado alley for a long stretch. We've started listening to the news on the car radio and we've downloaded a phone app that will warn us if something is coming close. We're also at the point where the RV park hosts all provide instructions concerning where to shelter should the sirens go off.

We've notice in our travels that it's a rare RV park that isn't either right next to a busy highway or right next to a busy train track. It's not uncommon to be between the busy highway and the busy train track. This park has hit the trifecta. In addition to being between a busy highway and a busy train track, it is also at the end of Amarillo Airport's runway (the jets take off over the top of us).


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