Friday, May 29, 2015

Stop 17: Grand Island, NY (not NE)

Our trip here was one of those rare occasions when Mack and Madge agreed almost perfectly. Madge wanted to get off the freeway a ramp early but I'm sure that her way would have worked just as well. Our big problem was human error.

I usually program the GPS's the night before and Kristen compares any written instructions that we might have with the final GPS instructions to make sure that they are in agreement. This time, since the GPS's were in such fine agreement, she didn't do that until we were well underway. When she commented that the instructions didn't match at all, I had her cancel the program on Madge and enter the address as our destination. At some point in the process, she muttered something about "NE" and then finally reported that we were over 1000 miles from our destination.

It seems that there are 2 Grand Island KOAs. We wanted Grand Island, NY but there is another in Grand Island, NE (as in Nebraska). When you make reservations on the KOA site, you have to enter the name of the KOA. I obviously picked the wrong Grand Island (I should have realized that Niagara Falls would cost a bit more than $30/night.

We first called Nebraska. They were very gracious, said that this happens all the time and gave me a full refund. Next was New York and I was a bit worried. This was the first reservation that I made because I was afraid that parks near Niagara Falls would fill up early. We called and had no problem getting our choice of sites for the 2 nights. In my last post, I mentioned that the Northern kids are still in school and the season hasn't started yet. In fact, our trailer is parked very close to a huge roller coaster at an amusement park that won't open until just after we leave. Whew! That would have given railroads, airports and freeways a run for their money.

Leaving Geneva on the Lake, we drove for about 10 miles past large beautiful houses that are right on Lake Erie. It's really a beautiful spot.

This stop has been our chance to visit the American side of Niagara Falls. We visited the Canadian side a number of years ago when Kristen was spending a couple of weeks in Toronto doing a Clorox audit and I flew in to join her for the weekend. That was just a quick visit so we just walked around, had lunch and went back to Toronto.

This visit, we did the touristy stuff like the Maid of the Mist and the Cave of the Winds. I've had a lot of posts with no pictures. This post will make up for that in spades (sorry, editing isn't my thing).

Our first destination was the Maid of the mist. This tower houses the elevators down to water level. Once you finish your boat trip, you can go out onto the observation deck.

Looking across at the Canadian side. I think that that's an old power plant down by the water.

Looking across American and Bridalveil (not visible) Falls toward Horseshoe Falls.

Same shot with Kristen in the picture.

And another.


Looking downstream at the Rainbow Bridge (between the US and Canada).

Horseshoe Falls from water level near the boat.

Maid of the Mist used to also operate boats on the Canadian side. Now, those are all run by Hornblower.

Looking up at American Falls from the boat (while still docked).

Passing one of our sister boats.

Horseshoe Falls.

American Falls ( one of my last shots before the extended drenching started).

There's an amazing number of seagulls nesting below the falls.

Horseshoe Falls.

Horseshoe Falls.

A quick look back at Horseshoe Falls during a break in the deluge.

American Falls. Bridalveil Falls is the little piece on the right.

American and Bridalveil Falls.

The Cave of the Winds. The only cave at Cave of the Winds these days leads out from the elevator to this network of scaffolds under Bridalveil Falls. The original cave was deemed unsafe many years ago.

American and Bridalveil Falls.

Just about to dock. There's that elevator/observation tower again.

Before riding the elevator back to the top, we took a couple of shots of American Falls from the dock area.

American, Bridalveil and Horseshoe Falls.

From out on Goat Island (between Bridalveil and Horseshoe Falls), looking back across Bridalveil and American Falls.

On the bridge from Goat Island to Luna Island (between Bridalveil and American Falls), looking at the point where Bridalveil drops.

From Luna Island, looking down Bridalveil Falls at the Cave of the Winds scaffolding. When we visited Cave of the Winds, the fast moving water was over our ankles in many places.

From Luna Island, looking across American Falls.

From Luna Island, looking down American Falls.

From Luna Island, looking across the top of American Falls.

From Cave of the Winds, too many stinking seagulls.

From Cave of the Winds, looking up at Bridalveil Falls with American Falls over on the left. Not too many pictures of Cave of the Winds beyond this point because it got very wet.

Looking back at Horseshoe Falls.

Cave of the Winds - getting wetter.

Really wet up there.

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