Saturday, January 2, 2016

Progress on the Town Ice Rink

I mentioned in my 12/19 post that it looked like the town had added an ice rink while we were in California. It's been unusually warm so they haven't gotten around to adding water. The next couple of days are expected to have highs in the teens and lows near zero so, today was the day. Here are some pictures of the fill-up operation.

This was the first tanker truck. They were expecting 3.

An additional picture from the next morning. The rink has a thin layer of ice. That's Kristen in the blue jacket at the far end of the rink.

Obviously, more pictures will follow as the water freezes and the skaters go into action (maybe Niko and Maya will want to come up).

The following pictures are from the other day after the snow plow finally made it's first pass (at about 1pm - They came back and finished the job at about 5:30pm).

Looking down Coldbrook (away from Oakham Town Center).

Looking up Coldbrook (toward Oakham Town Center)
We haven't had any more measurable snow but did have a "snow squall" last night that lasted about 15 minutes. I waved my hand across the sensor of the wildlife camera to take the following short video.

In other news: We received a letter the other day to let us know that our house will be in the new Oakham Village National Historic District. We'll be attending a meeting later in the month to learn more about it.

Also, when we were up at the ice rink, we happened to look over the back edge of the property and got our first look at the pond that the old timers used for swimming and skating many years ago. When I take one, I'll add a photo to the end of this post.

Here's the promised picture. There's an old farm road just up the street that probably goes back there. It was overgrown with poison ivy in the summertime but might be passable now. Might be worth a try sometime.


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