Saturday, December 19, 2015

All the Leaves are Gone

It's been a while since my last post. With the leaves gone, we are seeing a lot more of our property (including the previously mentioned field stone walls which we now know go completely around us) and our neighbors.

One image that I've been trying to capture is the sunrise over the crest of the hill. The sunrise silhouettes the tombstones in the old Revolutionary War era cemetery. This first photo is my best effort to date (but not very successful). Just to clarify the subject matter, I walked a little ways up the street this morning and took the second photo in better light.

Sunrise over the cemetery (taken from the house).

Cemetery from the same angle but much closer. It looks like they've added an ice skating rink in the last week or so (no ice yet).
A later attempt from the kitchen. Less zoomed so the tombstones to the left of the church aren't clear. Still, abeautiful sunrise.

Next, I have some pictures of things that have emerged from the leaves across the street from us. I've shown the piece of farm equipment and the wall before but they are much more visible now.

This abandoned piece of farm equipment is directly across from our front door (we have no idea what it is). It's only a few feet from the road but was completely invisible in the summertime. Note the old windmill in the far right background.

The Great Wall (across the street, next to the farm equipment). Stone walls are everywhere but this is by far the most impressive that we've seen.

We have long seen this historical marker across the street from the house next door (these markers are all over town). There never seemed to be anything there.

This dangerously dilapidated building has emerged from the brush about 20 feet in front of the sign. Doesn't look much like the picture on the marker but it might be a remnant.

I mentioned that we can now see our neighbors. Oakham doesn't have anything like city blocks. We may live on the only spot that resembles a block in the entire town. I'm providing the following map just to clarify the pictures that follow the map.

The blue marker points to our property. All structures are shadowed in. The unnamed street at the top is Barre Rd. so you can see that our block is surrounded by Barre Rd., Coldbrook Rd. an Maple St. (on 2 sides).
We see these houses out our kitchen window. The one on the right is the only house on the stretch of Maple that runs above us. The other house is at the corner of Maple and Maple.

These houses are also visible from our kitchen. They are all on the stretch of Maple that runs uphill from Coldbrook.

Also visible from our kitchen, these are the buildings on Coldbrook. From the left, the first 2 buildings are houses, the third is the old Post Office (now a house) and the roof peak on the far right is a barn that is attached to the old Post Office. The barn looks like it might collapse in on itself at any moment.

The view from our farmers porch is all trees in the summer. Now, as we look across Barre and along Coldbrook, we have a house (on the left), a red barn and a white barn.

Also from the farmer's porch, you can just make out another house up Barre (through the trees above the trailer).

Back to the kitchen side of the house, that's the steeple of the Congregational Church behind that big pine tree.

Along with being able to see our neighbors through the trees comes being seen from our neighbors houses (we've lost our camouflage).

From Coldbrook up toward Maple.

From the other side of Barre on Coldbrook.

We've finally started to get involve in some of the many volunteer activities that exist in Oakham. We helped to decorate the town bandstand and Christmas tree.

Bandstand, Christmas Tree and Carolers.

And we decorated our house too! No visible here but each of the upstairs windows has a blinking LED candle.

Sorry, I know that this post is going on forever...

We started December with our first visit back to California. We spent 3 nights with Jeff's Mom in Walnut Creek and then 5 nights with Grant, Melissa and the kids in Thousand Oaks. We were there for Cooper's first birthday and party.

Colton, showing off his new bike riding skills.


Grandma and Cooper.

Grandpa and the kids.

We went on a hike to a waterfall with Grant and Riley. It was a long steep decent and Riley surprised us by hiking out by herself (she'd had to be carried most of the way in).

We all took a trip to a monarch butterfly sanctuary in Goleta.

Cooper and Melissa at the sanctuary.


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