Monday, March 21, 2016

Spring Snowstorm and a Fox

With the exception of a few flurries, we've been clear of snow for quite a while now. For the past week, the weather forcasters have been forcasting snow for last night and this morning. At one point, they were talking 18" but, over the week, their models changed to the point where we might get an inch.

We ended up with about 8" and large, wet flakes are still coming down. Strangely, the newscasts still are talking about how we got missed and Cape Cod and Plymouth took the brunt of the storm. They are reporting less snow there than we have.

Our StealthCam (wildlife camera) has been possitioned lately on the back of our trailer. I had been starting to wonder if it worked at all and had it pointed at a spot that is frequented by a lot of small animals. We've had a lot of pictures of racoons, squirrels, cats and birds. What I really wanted to catch is a moose. The one that we saw left our yard at the corner where the new windmill is and followed a stream uphill from there.

Yesterday, I strapped the StealthCam to the pumphouse under the windmill and pointed it to where the moose had gone. This morning, I noticed tracks crossing the snow toward that spot and rushed out to get the chip from the camera. Here's the result:


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