Saturday, August 1, 2015

Our stuff has arrived!!!

Maya has apparently  been entertaining people with her imitation of her Grandma saying "I want my stuff!". As of this afternoon, Grandma has her stuff back.

Our driver, Gary, was unwilling to risk bringing his cross country rig into the tiny streets of Oakham so he made arrangements with NorthAmerican in Leominster to borrow one of their smaller trucks. He and his crew managed to get all of our stuff into the smaller truck. They were so determined to get it all in one trip that they each filled their own cars and had things tied onto the back of the truck.

Not quite the Grapes of Wrath, but getting there.

More Grapes of Wrath.

Kristen, checking off tag numbers as items came off the truck.

That's me, supervising Gary. My job was to determine where everything went.

The truck in the driveway.

The kitchen.

The kitchen.

The living room.

The living room.

Master bedroom.

Master bedroom.
The garage and the unfinished future family room are staging areas while we decide what will be stored in the attic and what will be stored in the basement (or what will have to find a new home).

The garage.

The future family room.

The entry hall.

Guest room

The other guest room.
It was 6pm before the guys got out of here so we decided to go out to dinner. It was an exhausting day and we've decided to spend one more night in the trailer and get the bedroom made up tomorrow. I'm sure that we'll be going through boxes and finding homes for things for weeks.

The shocker today was that, with the exception of our large sectional couch, which we knew wouldn't fit, all of our furniture fit just fine (our dining room table is a squeeze, but it's workable). Oakham is going to have a town wide garage sale at the end of August so we'll set that as a deadline to see if anything else needs to go.

It's getting late and we're sitting on our (much more comfortable) patio furniture on or farmers porch. The fireflys are out as they have been for the past few nights.


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