Saturday, June 6, 2015

Got the house!

Just as we were heading out the door to go to Niko's little league game today, we got the call from our realtor that the seller had countered on the house. We had offered about $10,000 below her very reasonable asking price. She wanted to split the difference and extend the close by about 10 days to July 21. We accepted immediately and took off for the ball park.

I don't think that I mentioned why it was that we wanted to see this house. The seller is an acquaintance of Briar's (probably her boss next year) and the principal at Niko and Maya's school. For some reason, the house didn't show up in Tracie's search based on the criteria that we'd given her. Briar was telling the seller a week or so ago that we were about to start our house search. Briar told her what we were looking for and the seller told here that here house was for sale and that it met all of our criteria. Based on her knowledge of the seller's attention to detail, Briar was certain that this house couldn't be anything less than perfect. She was right.

I mentioned a little bit about our soon to be home town of Oakham. Oakham was, at one time, known as Oak Hampton. The ton is no longer there but they pronounce Oakham as if it still was (Oak Ham). The town is small enough and our soon to be home unique enough that, when we've mentioned to a couple of locals that we've purchased a place near the town center, they say 'Oh, you must mean so-an-so's house" and proceed to tell us about the deconstruction/reconstruction that the house went through a few years back.

The RV Resort that we are staying at has been peaceful and almost deserted until yesterday afternoon. Apparently, this is one of the go to campgrounds in this part of Massachusetts. With the coming of the weekend, the place is packed and children on bicycles are everywhere. Tomorrow night or Monday morning, the kids will be back in school and the place will be dead again. The kids will be out of school next weekend so the full time chaos will be on.

We spent our morning this morning, familiarizing ourselves with navigating the surrounding communities and figuring out where we'll be doing things like buying gas, groceries, etc. After Niko's game this afternoon, we went back to Briar and Gus' for dinner.

We're booked in here through the night of June 1. During one week of that time, Briar and Gus will be on a cruise and we'll be abandoning our trailer here while we stay with Niko and Maya. When we leave here, we'll pull into Briar and Gus' driveway and stay at their house until the close. They'll be in SoCal for about 10 days of that time so it'll just be us, the cat and the chickens.


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